
Like any organisation, schools need policies and procedures to help them run efficiently. School policies provide source documents setting out the responsibilities of the school, guiding behaviour, provision of education and the work of staff and governors, plus they help resolve conflicts when they arise.

Legal + financial statements

Legal + financial statements

The Courtyard is also required to publish on this website its Articles of Association, Funding Agreement, annual accounts, and latest Ofsted report, as well as details of how parents can access the School Performance Tables published by the Secretary of State. Please see these Legal and financial statements below.

Articles of Association

Business Continuity

Funding Agreement

Reports and Accounts 2019-2020

Reports and Accounts 2020-2021

Reports and Accounts 2021-2022

Reports and Accounts 2022-2023

Report and Accounts 2023-2024

SEN Report 2024-2025

The Courtyard policies

The Courtyard policies

Acceptable Use of ICT

Admissions and Procedures 2024-2025


Behaviour for Learning

Careers Programme 24-25

CCTV Policy

Charging and Remissions

Curriculum Policy

Community Cohesion

Complaints Procedure

Disability and Accessibility

Equality Act and Statement Objective

Freedom of Information Policy

GDPR & Data Protection

Health and Safety

Home School Contract

Independent Learning Policy

Intimate care

Medical Conditions Policy

Mental Health Statement of Intent

Positive Handling Policy

Privacy Notice

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Whistleblowing Policy

Attendance Policy

CEIAG Policy

Online Safety Policy