Curriculum Vision

We aim to combine the rigour that allows students to reach their academic potential within a bespoke pastoral and nurturing framework that uniquely personalises students’ learning experience, encouraging them explicitly to develop their social communication, emotional regulation and independence within all subject areas.

Coexisting with the above, we also use the following guiding principles:

Entitlement: All our students have an entitlement to a curriculum pathway which best suits their academic, emotional and developmental needs.

Connection: That our curriculum, as a big picture, is holistic with explicit links between subject areas, allowing our students to make connections between them and that each subject area, as an individual picture, allows students to create connections to their lived experience allowing for a deep and personal learning experience. Representation is paramount - allowing students to ‘see themselves’ within the content and context of their learning.

Adaptability: The skills, defined within each subject area, remain consistent and robust and the content is adapted carefully to suit the interests, talents and passions of our students, at a pace that is comfortable to learn, thrive and challenge.